Tuesday, 26 October 2010

26th October, 2010.

SW = 1.5lb's off again so 26lb's in total - very near to 2 stones - but hey ho - keeping it off and going down slowly but surely.

Keir at Olivias. Less hectic week - but Key's run down and very tired. Me too.

Applied for a secondment job, I would love to get it but knowing me and my bad luck - they won't even interview me. BUT fingers crossed.

No crafting - gotta get this Japan box made for boss lady at work - I don't think I'm going to be able to do it - but I have said yes, what a nightmare.

Haven't even thought about Christmas, but not a lot to get.

Keirs birthday on Friday - he's getting another bike. I am so worried that he will be travelling to and fro bloody Doncaster !

Ah well, I can't do much about it.

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