Saturday, 4 June 2011

My ears are rattling

music music music & more music - all day long - 24/7 at work - don't get me wrong, I love my music, always have, BUT one woman in particular wants the radio on all the time, absolutely NO break whatsoever constant drumming in the background and she has WHAT channel SHE wants on LOUD as possible. I am fed up asking for the music to be turned down then she FLY's into a temper tantrum - I am not asking for the music to be turned off - although for an hour or two it WOULD be very nice - but I have a problem with my ears and playing the music through her computer (which she has been told she shouldn't do as it's wasting NHS money) - it sounds very 'tinny' and rattles my head & ears.

I had to shove tissue in my left ear yesterday to try and dull the noise a bit - this is getting ridiculous as SHE literally - as the music times out on the computer - dashes - AND I MEAN DASHES back to the computer to put it on again.

AND to add insult to injury - she also sings along to every bloody song too - WHAT A NIGHTMARE.

My poor ears.

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