Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Dreadful awful rotten week

my poor hubby - giddy turns and feeling rough.  doctors said it could have been a stroke  - thank goodness it wasn't, BUT good news turns bad when GP recommends a cardio appointment  in case  of heart troubles - went privately to Cardio within 2 days - to be told IT LOOKS LIKE you have had a minor heart attack in the past but cannot understand why hubby hasn't had any pains - todays appointment with Cardio specialist was exercising ECG and an Echo Cardiogram - but again inconclusive - have put him forward for an Angio-gramme - worried but it has to be done.  Poor man, one thing after another. 

I'd just settled at work - and feeling more 'with in' less stress and now this happens.  What a nightmare for us both.  Hope he is OK though.

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