Tuesday, 27 June 2017

back to work on Thursday 'boo hoo'

have enjoyed my time at home, but need the money unfortunately!  I worked Thursday/Friday 1st/2nd June and then just Friday 9th June and then on holiday until this Thursday 29th !  so have only worked 3 days in 26 days - lazy cow eh !

korins first night was Friday night in her own home and she looked a sorrowful little soul as we left her, I shed a tear, more than a tear on the way home and when I got home and looked at her empty bedroom - her bedroom is empty and I feel my life is now empty too.  I missed keir like mad when he first left us but he left with a partner and I knew he would be ok, korin has left on her own, struggling for money and says that she will probably be on her own forever.  I have to remember my customer who at nearly 40 years old suddenly told me she had met a man and that she was really happy and that she was pregnant - she has now had the baby.  i really hope that Korin finds someone who she can love and who loves her back equally and treats her well.  Bless her.  my baby 26 and now leaves just me and keiron on our own, I wonder if we shall cope not having anyone else to have to think about all the time.

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