Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Another couple layouts

First things first it's my last day before I go back to work tomorrow after 20 days off - OMG I do not want to go back at all, and tried my clothes on and those 4 extra pounds really do make a difference so have had to go buy some knee length shorts as I couldn't find a skirt to fit me properly - fits on waist doesn't fit on hips !  Still only a size 14 so I am still 2 sizes down, but those two size 13's I bought dont go anywhere near - and then I come home and eat 4 yoghurts ! because they were thick and creamy ones, I knew when I bought them I was going to eat them - now I feel sick.  Supposed to ahve gone to gym this morning and didn't go so I think I MAY HAVE TO GO THIS EVENING !!

I bought this little pushchair for Luna and she absolutely loves it !  She has grown up so much and understands so much now - hard to believe she is ONLY 16 months old, but how quickly has that 16 months gone.

Didn't really get any decent pics though of her with the pushchair, do have a couple of good videos though.

Whilst we were away, Korin had Lexi and Kali (Rhians dogs) round in the evenings, and they played lovely together, since we got back it hasn't happened, although Lexi did come to Korins BBQ which wasn't a BBQ for her 12 months in her own home.  I love the 'LOVE' stamp, I have that to use over and over, it looks like a rub on - it came out so well x 

AND today, 27.6.18 the day before I go back to work after 20 days off - dreading tomorrow and my stomach isn't good - probably nerves.  I really don't want to go to work ever again, but I know that IF I didn't go back I would miss the £600 I earn, especially as I've been spending spending spending like I don't know what.  So this is today, going to do a bit of cleaning and tidying up and then may make another offering.  I hope I can.  

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