Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Beginning July ......................... renewed energies !!! WT Hell has happened to me

After my holiday I finally realised that my longstanding chest infection/cough/sore throat since Christmas so it's been around 20 - 22 weeks of coughing and spluttering - 5 weeks off work - and just feeling totally and utterly NAFF - it has cleared up - YES completely, I feel like a new woman.

Plus my thumb (after 2nd injection) has cleared up I HOPE.

My energy level has increased to my 'old self' and I finally got the downstairs loo decorated and I felt happy.

I realised I had missed my reflexology - doing reflexology on people and making them feel happy and well always made me feel happy and well and I really missed it.

At Christmas I put my treatment bed away (was going to throw it away - thank goodness I didn't) anyway, the front room which was my treatment room had become a junk room so we're clearing it out and setting up shop again - I cannot wait.

I have contacted about 10 old customers 6 of whom have booked back in with me - I have regular days in the week that I shall work - and have every 4th week off - if it builds to £400 a month I can afford to pack up my job.  HOW wonderful would that be.

Having said that I have my sickness review meeting on Thursday they may already have plans to redeloy me - well if they do - it could take up to  3 months by which time I am hoping my reflexology has taken off and I can pack up anyways. 

But have to say that work has been much better - dare I say that !

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