Friday, 31 July 2015

Good News end of my first week with my new Reflexology Business

unbelievable is all I can say ...................... 4 new customers one of whom has booked her daughter and hubby in too - 2 old customers who have done the old 5 treatment - have earned about £250 in one week - like old times, I hope I can keep it up.

Tired though........................still doing 22.5 hours at the hospital................have approached simon and asked him if he will go full time which would take 7.5 hours off me - I could cope with 15 hours a week 2 - 5 each afternoon.  I could then do a 9.30 and an 11 am - not leaving here until 1.30 pm.  3 evenings, 3 mornings = £180 a week + my 15 hours at the hospital.  I hope he says yes today.

Fingers crossed, feeling lucky.

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