Tuesday, 24 July 2018

didn't show my back garden off

OK it wasn't a major makeover, can't afford to do that and don't really want to as we will probably be leaving here in the next couple of years !  But I ordered Gazing balls off the internet and they arrived badly dented.  I managed to get my money back, which I was surprised about really, but I did from a chinese seller from Amazon.........they weren't cheap at £50 for the pair either.

Anyhoo.  I took the plants (which were from 2012) out of the planters and put purple / plum stone in the top.  Had every intention of throwing the gazing balls away but one right hand side was only dented (badly) in one area so I put that at the bottom.  The other (left hand side) was dented in two places, so one dent at the very bottom and the other dent is JUST aBOUT noticeable towards the right hand side.  now having said all that I know they aren't perfect but they WILL DO ........ they are very light (in weight) so reckon on a windy night they re going to be blowing off the top of those planters and maybe then I will have to throw them away.  Maybe I can superglue them to a couple of heavier rocks and stick them into the planters - maybe that needs to be done now before any winds come.

So all was not lost, I got my money back, the gazing balls are lovely (although I think are seconds because there is a ridge all the way around one of them as well) - there is only me and key and the kids and baby go into our garden most of the time anyway so no one is really going to see them except for the chap who cuts my grass.

ENOUGH .................as they didn't cost me anything afterall I can throw them away if and when I need to.

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