Friday 21 September 2012

You know the 'lightbulb moments'

I've had that tonight ................ well I've had it quite often over the last few weeks. My leg isn't really improving much - still don't know what is wrong with it so need to get it sorted now as quickly as possible. WHICH will mean that I will have to return to work. I don't want to go back to the boring job that I do - but I need the monthly income. I am a successful fully qualified reflexologist and have let my treatments slip and slip and slip because 'firstly' the recession in 2008/2009 saw my business drop from 30 treatments a week to 20 treatments a week to 10 treatments a week and now I do between 10 and 15 treatments per month - IF THAT ! 'secondly' I had to return to a 'paid' job - so whilst I slave away for £7.90 or thereabouts per hour at the NHS in a job that I can quite honestly say I hate - WELL hate is a strong word, I wouldn't do it if I really hated it - but it's nothing like the lovely feeling I get doing reflexology, meeting new people, helping them to feel well etc. So tonight I have decided to advertise again, do my room up again - offer home treatments again - get new towels and new nice smelling lotions and new tunics for me to wear. Gill Birch Reflexology will be fighting back - it will be difficult initially whilst I'm building my business again............but I'm ONLY 56 - there is another 'at least' 9 years of holistic therapies in me. I LOVE reflexology, I LOVE doing reflexology, I LOVE helping people. I can do it - and so looking forward to it again & maybe in 12 months time I can quit the NHS job. Fingers & toes crossed.

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